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Parma, 22 August 2024 – Parma Calcio is proud to announce that Euro Pool, Club partner for several years, will be the Men's First Team pre-match short Sleeve Sponsor which will be worn by the Giallobly ahead of every game, home or away, in the 2024/25 season.

The partnership with Euro Pool, the short sponsor from last season, has been renewed in light of the continuity and consolidation of a long and fruitful collaboration.

'We would like to thank Parma Calcio for the opportunity and the emotions over the years, in particular with promotion to the top flight. The Parma Calcio environment reflects our own in various ways; it is rooted in the social fabric, is well-organised and possesses sporting values that we can apply to our own daily operations. For this reason, too, we have decided to further consolidate the collaborative relationship which we have continued for many years already. The association of the two brands has had a positive effect over time in terms of visibility, which we are convinced can go even further given the prestigious platform of Serie A' stated Stefano Lusardi, president of Euro Pool.


We are happy to renew and consolidate the partnership with Euro Pool, a local business that has supported Parma Calcio from the start of its rebirth and with whom we have shared many emotions over the years, reaching important milestones together' underlined Mattia Incannella, Sales Director of Parma Calcio. 

EURO POOL, the first Customs Assistance Centre to be operational in the country, celebrated 30 years of business in 2023. Currently, they have branches in Fontevivo (PR), Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Milan, Verona, Genoa, Spezia, Ancona and Pesaro, and Lucca.

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