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Collecchio, 31 October 2023 - Fabio Pecchia spoke in a press conference at the Mutti Training Center ahead of the clash with Lecce.


“In this competition, we effectively see teams play their least used footballers so far. Last year we progressed in the Cup even with midweek league matches, there was squad management but I don’t like to call it turnover. The Ascoli game was very tough. Now we play in the Italian Cup, I need to think about using the best players in order to win the game. The performance at Ascoli? I am very happy about the win because it is always difficult. Especially in such a difficult game, like we said, and against a good side. There are many positive things about a squad who scored 3 away from home. We made a few different errors in very difficult moments of the match because Ascoli caused us some trouble with the 1-1, I saw a maturity in the group who knew how to take the hit and then step on the gas”.


“There is a great desire to face a Serie A side, who have started their season very well. Their squad is very agile, and fast, with talented and dynamic players. For me, I’m a little curious to see what point we’re at, and what our level is like compared to a Serie A side. Winning mentality? I say it to the lads every day, we are professional athletes and we must always want to compete. Having this spirit and adrenaline in as many games as possible. This aim is different to the one we have on a daily basis, but there is definitely a desire to construct a winning mentality, go out there and show our values, to accept every result. Even at the minute, like with tomorrow’s game that could be another test of our maturity. What Lecce do I expect? I liked the side from the start, there are many new players with great talent and potential. Lecce is dynamic because of these players, capable of attacking the spaces and making forward runs with the wingers. They know how to close you down and attack the area. We will need to push because it will be a fast-paced game against a squad that is good going forward and in one-on-one situations”.


“Parma in the spotlight breaking records? This is another element to work on, take into account, and know how to manage. It requires extra energy, many people talk about pressure but it's nice to experience it because you work hard to be in this position. This is also training. I ask for even more energy, even more concentration, even more desire to take care of all the details. As I have always said, Parma is the side that all teams in Serie B want to beat. How is the team? The group is fine, we worked. There’s the desire to play, and Hernani is back with the group after having the flu. We're in this together. A fun, light-hearted, aware Parma? I want my Parma to have all three. Footballers who enjoy playing and entertain the fans. To do this you need the right light-hearted mentality but also the awareness that you need to work hard. All these adjectives should be seen with Parma on the pitch tomorrow evening.'


“Massive respect for the work he did, because winning the league twice and twice avoiding relegation from Serie A means he will always be part of the Club’s history. I can only speak well of him, tomorrow will be a pleasure for me. He is part of the Club’s history”.

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