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Genoa, 19 January 2024 - The statements of coach Fabio Pecchia, released at the end of Sampdoria v Parma, on Matchday 21 of the Serie BKT.


'We are a Serie B team and play in the Serie B. Today, Sampdoria did better than us in the first quarter of the match, in terms of speed and pace. Because on the pitch, they did things with intensity and rhythm, and we couldn't do anything. Then, gradually, we found more balance in the midfield, also with the change of Bernabé a bit lower and Sohm higher. Mihaila found himself in dangerous areas, and the game was managed well except for the last quarter of an hour. The penalty? Goals always disrupt the balance, there's little to say. In the first part, I want to compliment the entire defensive line because when Sampdoria pushed forward, we defended well and protected the goal, often putting Sampdoria’s players in an offside position. Also, finishing the game, in the part where we were suffering, without conceding goals, allowed us to maintain a certain balance.

“I'm sorry because, in the last quarter of an hour, we lowered our rhythm, we had players with energy, and we could have gone forward. But in the last quarter of an hour, Sampdoria created many more chances. Is it a lapse of attention, or perhaps we were already convinced that the game was over?


It's an aspect we need to work on; we must insist because games are never finished and never closed. We've been through this on other occasions, so today, good, it's a nice victory, but there are many things to work on. Man? He enjoys himself, plays well, and manages to do many great things. What I do with Dennis, I like to do with the whole group so that each of them can express their potential. Creating an environment where confidence is felt. It's always more complicated because today we had many players in good condition who didn't find space, stayed on the sidelines, and played little. For me, this is more complicated. But the environment we want to create, me, the entire staff, and the Club, is an environment for young players to express themselves.


At the moment, Dennis is achieving a lot, which pleases me, and I hope that others can also find satisfaction.'

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