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Collecchio, 13 January 2024 - Fabio Pecchia spoke in a pre-match press conference at the Mutti Training Center in Collecchio ahead of the game with Ascoli.


'The fabe of the lion and the gazzelle? It is a good tale but it seems more opportune to compare our story to that of Sant'Ilario, the patron saint of Parma. We need to consolidate our spirit in the second half of the season and, above all, carry the humility of Sant'Ilario with us as he traversed Parma barefooted. If we really want to follow in his footsteps, I want us to be this humble. 2024? Our journey started a long time ago and we want to deserve a reward on 13 January. We want to win it on the pitch, for this reason there is a desire to work and improve ourselves because what happens on the pitch will dictate if we can keep up this position in the table. And if we deserve it. The aim is clear and there is a desire to get it done. From the moment that Krause arrived at Parma, a new journey began. And the idea that the Club goes beyond an individual or a moment. Because here there is history, a city, and fans'.


“Changing coach after the first half of the season, off the back of a good run of games, but with a completely different style. We need to play well because Mendes and Rodrigues are very good, like Nestrovski, but we need to equal all the work they do in tackles, rebounds, fouls, second balls. Of all that 'isn't clear', we know we need to be at Ascoli's level. I don't see a side in trouble, they drew against Citadella in a physical and combative game. Ascoli is in good condition, the latest result doesn't fool me. A defensive squad? They have a very defensive and physical side, the two forwards have technical capabilities but also a good amount of physicality. Our ball has to be faster and more dynamic, we need to be more aggressive in finding spaces and getting through on goal. Ascoli is a trap? When you underestimate something it could go like that... There may have been some good games played, others very good, many where we made mistakes. Never, though, have we underestimated the opposition. Thinking of Ascoli as a trap would be doing them a disservice'.

'I have great regard, as does the rest of the team, for the coach who is an expert of the league and knows what to do, but also for a squad that represents the spirit of Serie B. They have players of quality and experience, with a mixture of playing styles that force you to play and not play at the same time. It will be important to know how to face them from a technical perspective on Sunday. Previous games against Castori? I have a lot of respect for Fabrizio, I know well his philosophy and style of play. He has the experience of managing moments and many situations. That being said, it will be important what we do on the pitch, from a technical point of view, we need to do things with more speed and maximise our potential quality'.


The one-game-at-a-time approach represents what we need to see, that is, day to day. It all comes down to tomorrow's game. All the matches are taxing and have hidden dangers with particular characteristics. The more we progress, the less games we have and the less time. My aim is Ascoli. There is desire to get back playing, more attention is to be given to the type of training for making runs. In the last week, the squad has had a better rhythm with everyone being available apart from Ansaldi. There is the desire to get back out there and play'.


I am happy for Bonny, this is the Club politics that should be emphasised. It keeps working on our young players' growth. It is a very particular market, but we have a squad with many youngsters. This is considered when establishing the contract expiry dates, this is the Club's work. I am happy for the lad, but the Club's philosophy is well-established and clear. And this should be emphasised'.

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